Navigating the borrowing process

对于大多数研究生和专业学生来说,贷款是一个现实, 我们将帮助您完成从申请到还款的整个借款流程. 我们鼓励您做一个负责任的消费者,只借必要的东西. 我们强烈建议您在需要时向我们的学生金融服务团队寻求建议.

Keep in mind that with loans, 贷款人通常在付款前扣除贷款费用, which can impact the amount you need to borrow. 你应该在确定贷款申请之前计算贷款费用. Please see Federal Loan Fees for more information.

Repaying Your Loans

Be sure you're in touch with your Loan Servicer 在你多年的借贷中. 甚至在上学期间支付利息也是明智的, if at all possible, on any loans that are accruing interest (i.e. every loan EXCEPT the Direct Subsidized Loan). 一旦你准备离开学校,我们建议使用 Repayment Estimator 确定哪一个是最适合你的贷款偿还方案. 注意:随着收入状况的变化,你可以改变计划. 你要意识到这一点——你偿还贷款的时间越长,你要花的钱就越多.

Federal Direct Loans

The U.S. 教育部为符合条件的学生提供低息贷款,以帮助支付研究生和专业学校的费用. 这些贷款可以用来支付你的学费, 这包括你的直接成本(那些账单给你的)和间接成本, such as living, personal, and miscellaneous expenses.

To apply for Federal Direct Loans you must file the FAFSA and sign a 主本票(MPN)和完整的入学辅导. For all Federal Loans, 你还需要完成退出贷款咨询,当你不再登记至少一半的时间. 入学和退出咨询都提供有关借款条款的信息, interest accrual, and repayment options, and can be completed online.

All pertinent information regarding Title IV, HEA federal loans, including Direct Loans, 会提交给nsds并供授权机构查阅吗, lenders, and institutions.

Unsubsidized Direct Loans

The Direct Unsubsidized Loan 是否适用于所有研究生和专业学生,无论是否需要. UNE将根据您的出勤费用和年度限额确定您可以借用的金额. 请访问联邦学生援助网站了解以下信息 loan borrowing limits and the current interest rates for direct loans.


  • Pharmacy Students
    • First–Second year: $33,000
    • Third year: $33,000
    • Fourth year: $37,167
  • Medical Students:
    • First–Third year: $47,167
    • Fourth year: $44,944
  • Dental Students:
    • First year: $40,500
    • Second–Fourth year: $47,167

联邦直接/斯塔福德补贴贷款和无补贴贷款的总额最高为224美元,000 for medical (D.O.牙科(DMD)和药学(PharmD)的学生. 这包括为本科和/或研究生院借入的任何未偿还的直接/斯塔福德贷款.

Graduate PLUS Loans

The Graduate PLUS Loan is a credit-based loan, subject to credit approval by the lender, 这可以用来帮助支付直接和间接成本. PLUS贷款帮助支付费用,最高可达出勤费(COA)减去所有其他经济援助(如学费).g.、直接无资助贷款及/或奖学金). 毕业生PLUS贷款将作为助学金的一部分提供给你. 如果您选择借这笔贷款的部分或全部,您需要通过 U-Online. The loan is then subject to lender approval. If credit is denied for the PLUS Loan, 你可以继续寻求贷款背书人或上诉拒绝.

Alternative Loans

因为联邦直接贷款的灵活性和宽容性, 我们建议您在申请私人贷款或替代贷款之前,先用尽这些资源. However, 我们认识到,你可能需要寻求这种类型的贷款来支付你的高等学位的费用. See UNE’s Recommended Lender List for more information on private loans.

Charles E. Gilbert Loan Program

这项低息贷款计划适用于缅因大学毕业的医学生. 每年的金额取决于资金的可用性和符合条件的申请人总数. 申请可以通过联系缅因大学经济援助办公室获得.

Office of Student Financial Aid
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
(207) 581-1324

FAME loans



The Maine Health Professions Loan 是否有低息贷款计划鼓励医学和牙科学生在缅因州实习. 贷款以需求为基础,每年奖励从1万美元到2.5万美元不等.


The Maine Dental Education Loan Program 是否有一项可原谅的贷款计划,旨在鼓励缅因州居民的牙科学生在缅因州服务不足地区的合格牙科保健机构从事初级牙科保健. Awards are $20,000 annually.


Educators for Maine is a competitive, merit-based, 为缅因州从事教学工作的学生提供的可免除贷款计划, 包括语言病理学和儿童发展或儿童保育.

有关申请和截止日期的更多信息,请联系FAME,地址是5 Community Drive, P.O. 马萨诸塞州奥古斯塔949号信箱04332-0949或1(800)228-3734或 visit the FAME website.


Student Financial Services

有关财务援助和计费流程的信息,请联系学生金融服务 or (207) 602-2342. Our office hours are Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–4 p.m.